The Mysterious Conversation That Creates an Obsession in Burning
The Atlantic’s “And, Scene” series delves into some of the most interesting films of the year by examining a single, noteworthy cinematic moment...
Civil Discourse Exists in This Small Corner of the Internet
Imagine a place on the internet where a post that begins with “I’m not a feminist” is met with comments quoting Virginia Woolf...
No Peace for Them and No Honor for Us
Nothing in the presidency of Donald Trump combines tragedy and farce so perfectly as his decision to withdraw the 2,000 American troops in...
Reflections on a Year of Outrage
As New Year’s Day approaches, I’ve been looking back and pondering the almost constant expressions of outrage that characterized another year. “The same...
The Timeless Bliss of Eating Hometown Food
A four-hour wait is nothing in the face of nostalgia. When Matt Fligiel learned in 2013 that the future of Blimpyburger was in...
A Star Is Born Finds Movie Magic in a Parking Lot
Over the next week, The Atlantic’s “And, Scene” series will delve into some of the most interesting films of the year by examining...
The Making of a Trade Warrior
At his confirmation hearings for the position of U.S. trade representative, Robert Lighthizer, the nation’s chief trade negotiator, promised to fight for all...